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Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:10 am
by CyberDrac
D3TH wrote:no internet connection, not even a little one?
Nope ... never have done ... probably never will do at this venue ... apart from the practicalities of it not being our venue and so we can't arrange either cable or ADSL, we also made a conscious decision that a LAN is a LAN, it should local and if we were to allow Internet access then it would be purely the Steam ports to allow authentication and probably nothing else, Internet connections at LANs tend to dilute the experience, in a LAN with a hundred or a thousand people then people off playing on external servers or playing their MMORPGs and the like wouldn't make a difference, but at a small LAN it can be catastrophic to the small-LAN-experience, we like every player to be involved within the LAN. This is the same reason why we take the games votes and make the big games list, so that the game play is concentrated and we don't have dozens of games each with only a couple of people playing.

If there is a need to authenticate Steam, although with the new and improved 'let's go offline mode' that they introduced a while back it shouldn't be necessary, we can hook up to a mobile phone for those few minutes that need, but the mailer should prompt enough people to do it correctly that it shouldn't be necessary.


Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:52 pm
by Dragon
heh, I just realised that every single one of the 'official' games can be got to run on os x ( hl2/tf2 via crossover, all others natively ), might consider trying that..

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:48 pm
by djarcas
Fatman wrote:Some excellent choices i must add. There is something that caters for everyone there.
To play Devil's Advocate...

Unless you like racing games.
Or flight sims.
Or quirky games.
Or, in fact, anything other than FPS games...