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LlamaLAN 7 - Post Event Thanks

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:02 am
by CyberDrac
Firstly I want to start off by thanking everyone who turned up, of course this event couldn't have happened without you, I would especially like to thank everyone who paid nice and early so that we could pay for the hall when we needed to, without those 20 early adopters the whole event would have never happened.

I don't know about anyone else, but from a personal point of view it was immensely enjoyable, we run these events for our own enjoyment as well as yours, and it is nice to run an event where I can relax and enjoy it with everyone else.

Shouts out to a few of the many ...

Staff ...

Kanonfodda ... well it would be LlamaLAN if he hadn't started it all in the first place
Golem ... some fantastic artwork there and I'm sure I speak for everyone who bought a t-shirt, THEY ROCK, and some superb support work in AlienSwarm
Kryton ... often overlooked but the cabling as always was superb and the LAN couldn't run without you
LittleGem ... for bringing a calming civilised atmosphere and being particularly gung-ho in the AlienSwarm match

Punters ...

Philbert ... for ensuring that the 'Big Games' were really BIG Games
Andy ... "Step away from the Flamethrower!" ... and for demonstrating some superb driving skills
DJArcas ... for introducing me to yet another series of addictive games involving me looking ridiculous
The 'MAD' Crew ... for their mass invasion of the LAN yet again, and in particular ...
Cabal ... the mad Dane who travelled further than anyone and still managed to be the first paying customer over the threshold and a big thank you for your help in setting up
Buzz ... thanks for the wine, always greatly appreciated

Everyone else played a valuable role, but I'd better get back to work.

See you all at the next one!