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Llama feedback

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:04 pm
by Joeshow
Good evening all.

I've been meaning to do this since Sunday but i'm sure i don't need to preach to you how difficult how tough the first few days back to work after lan can be!

I couldn't really see an appropriate thread as to where this should go but i just want to say a big thankyou for a great weekend Llamas. The event was extremely well thought out. Put together well and full of friendly faces. Apologies if i didnt speak to you this weekend. But i did make some good friends this weekend.

Ill certainly be trying to bring along a mob of people for November persuming all goes to plan.

But again i just want to emphasise how well thought out your event was and really had a great time. It's nice to attend these things and not have to worry about the cleanup job! Note for next time, a towel is not a suitable sleeping bag!

So some of my highlights of the weekend, maybe if you guys want to post yours?

Mass Dominos pizza order
Making Inferno drive me around to find an Argos after having discovered i forgot my sleeping bag.
Werewolves until 4 in the morning.
Watching Cyberdrac emotionally crumble in a very intense game of warsow containing 4 lots of overtime!
The Eighth Bit Movies (So awesome, really well done there)

A few of the bad
I hate to be that snotty guy who points out bad points and im sure anything i raise has already been adressed and thought about.

The website - It was awesome that we could request music in a jukebox fashion and at a lan i can deal with it if the internet is next to none. I don't go lan to update Facebook anyway! But maybe make some of the internal systems not so internet based? I.E Jukebox requests, the 'shoutwall' etc.

It ended :( - Definitely a bad point for me.

Anyway, thanks for reading my ramble guys and speak to you all soon :)


Re: Llama feedback

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:35 am
by Alpha-Llama
I agree on the internet point, we will be going back to an intranet based setup for the next LAN :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it and look forward to actually meeting properly in November :D along with any cohorts you persuade to come along :)

Re: Llama feedback

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:37 am
by Kanonfodda
bugger, above post was me :) forgot I was logged into that account :)

Re: Llama feedback

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:22 am
by Golem
Joeshow wrote: The Eighth Bit Movies (So awesome, really well done there)
I never know how these are gonna really gonna be received so thanks for saying this :D Sorry I just couldn't get the finales done in time (been a very crazy busy time for me this year) but the final outcome of our attempts to save the universe (and the lead in to LL18) will arrive by the end of this weekend ;)

Re: Llama feedback

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:50 pm
by Joeshow
Golem wrote:
Joeshow wrote: The Eighth Bit Movies (So awesome, really well done there)
I never know how these are gonna really gonna be received so thanks for saying this :D Sorry I just couldn't get the finales done in time (been a very crazy busy time for me this year) but the final outcome of our attempts to save the universe (and the lead in to LL18) will arrive by the end of this weekend ;)
Ah man they were so awesome. Adds a real nice touch to the event. Also when i got home i was able to tell people that i wasnt there just playing games in a hall all weekend. I was saving the eighth bit. Morally makes me feel better about it all lol.

But really i can't praise enough on those vids. Really made a good impact imo.

Re: Llama feedback

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:06 am
by Twysta
Yeah, great LAN folks!
I had a thoroughly good time =]

Re: Llama feedback

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:47 pm
by Zodiack
Twysta wrote:Yeah, great LAN folks!
I had a thoroughly good time =]
You'll have to teleport for the next one. :P

Re: Llama feedback

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:45 pm
by YaZoR
Zodiack wrote:
Twysta wrote:Yeah, great LAN folks!
I had a thoroughly good time =]
You'll have to teleport for the next one. :P
Hopefully not into my Rocket and Grenade spam like on Aerowalk.......

Re: Llama feedback

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:39 pm
by DrFesty
This is making me regret missing LAN :( But also making me look forward to the next one!

Re: Llama feedback

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:17 pm
by Twysta
YaZoR wrote:
Zodiack wrote:
Twysta wrote:Yeah, great LAN folks!
I had a thoroughly good time =]
You'll have to teleport for the next one. :P
Hopefully not into my Rocket and Grenade spam like on Aerowalk.......
I'll get you next time gadget!